The patented procedure AirSculpt is performed by Aaron Rollins, M.D., who has performed it more than 25,000 times in his Beverly Hills practice. However, the procedure is incredibly expensive, and you should expect to make a substantial financial commitment in order to obtain the desired results. For this reason, it is essential to do extensive research and comparison shopping before deciding to undergo the surgery. Listed below are the key factors to consider before choosing an AirSculpt surgeon.
Procedures for tummy tuck
The cost of an AirSculpt procedure will depend on the area that needs to be treated. The procedure will take one to two hours, and most patients can return to work the next day. Immediately after the procedure, patients should avoid strenuous activity for a few weeks, and they should not engage in aggressive physical activity for a couple of weeks. A patient can expect significant results within a few months.
Patients who are candidates for a tummy tuck should have loose skin on their abdomens and visible stretch marks. During surgery, patients must be non-smokers to reduce the risk of complications. Patients should also be close to their ideal weight. Although the procedure may appear dramatic, recovery time is minimal. Most patients can return to work a day after the surgery, and the results are visible within two to four weeks.
Areas treated
The cost of an AirSculpt tummy tuck depends on the number of areas to be treated and the size of each. The procedure usually takes one to three hours to complete, and patients are required to undergo some preparation before the procedure. They will be given a surgical gown, and a numbing agent, such as nitrous oxide, to calm them. Next, a needle-free jet injector will numb the area. This procedure also works with high air pressure, and the only sign of the procedure is a small mark on the skin.
The procedure lasts between 35 minutes and an hour. The provider will apply a special cooling device to the target area, which triggers the death of the fat cells. This procedure is safe, requiring no anesthesia and no drains. The procedure is a good option for women who want to have a tighter tummy but do not want the hassles associated with a traditional abdominoplasty.
There are many factors that influence the pricing of an AirSculpt tummy tuck. The area to be treated, the amount of fat removed, and the technique used will all have an impact on the cost. An experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon will likely be more expensive than one who is not. However, these factors are rarely the only factor affecting the price. Choosing a surgeon who has more experience will improve your results.
The first step is numbing the skin with a patented AirPen. A surgeon will make a small, symmetrical opening on the treated area. Afterward, a biopsy punch will be used, which is narrower than a number two pencil lead. After the small opening has healed, the surgeon will implement a patented AirSculpt(r) cannula that spins quickly to pluck fat from the desired area.
Recovery time
The total cost of an AirSculpt tummy tuck is determined by the area to be targeted. Depending on the size and number of areas to be treated, it can range from $2,000 to $6,000. After the procedure, patients will wear an abdominal binder for six weeks to reduce swelling and fluid buildup. During this time, patients are advised to avoid strenuous activities such as running or jumping rope.
Unlike traditional liposuction, which requires a six-month recovery time, an AirSculpt procedure can be performed in about 30 minutes. The procedure, performed under local anesthesia, does not require stitches or sutures and requires no recovery time. Most patients only require one session. Recovery time for an AirSculpt procedure is typically less than two weeks, with most cases requiring only one. However, patients are reminded to follow a healthy diet, exercise, and sleep regimes following the procedure.